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Bases: BaseModel

Resolution of the image in pixels


as_str() -> str

Return a human-readable representation of the resolution in the format: {width}x{height}

Source code in src/mangainfo/
def as_str(self) -> str:
    """Return a human-readable representation of the resolution in the format: `{width}x{height}`"""
    return f"{self.width}x{self.height}"


as_tuple() -> tuple[int, int]

Return the resolution as a tuple of integers: (width, height)

Source code in src/mangainfo/
def as_tuple(self) -> tuple[int, int]:
    """Return the resolution as a tuple of integers: `(width, height)`"""
    return (self.width, self.height)


is_landscape() -> bool

Check if the resolution is landscape.

Source code in src/mangainfo/
def is_landscape(self) -> bool:
    """Check if the resolution is landscape."""
    return self.width > self.height


is_portrait() -> bool

Check if the resolution is portrait.

Source code in src/mangainfo/
def is_portrait(self) -> bool:
    """Check if the resolution is portrait."""
    return self.height > self.width


Bases: BaseModel

Media information about the page, as returned by pymediainfo.MediaInfo.

bit_depth instance-attribute

bit_depth: int

Bit depth.

chroma_subsampling class-attribute instance-attribute

chroma_subsampling: str | None = None

Chroma subsampling.

color_space class-attribute instance-attribute

color_space: str | None = None

Color space of the page.

compression class-attribute instance-attribute

compression: str | None = None

Compression method used on the page.

compression_mode class-attribute instance-attribute

compression_mode: str | None = None

Type of compression used on the page.

extension instance-attribute

extension: str

Extension of the page.

format instance-attribute

format: str

Format of the page.

format_info class-attribute instance-attribute

format_info: str | None = None

Additional information about the format.

name instance-attribute

name: Path

Name of the page.

resolution class-attribute instance-attribute

resolution: Resolution = Resolution()

Resolution of the page.

size class-attribute instance-attribute

size: ByteSize = ByteSize(0)

Size of the page


Bases: BaseModel

Media information about the manga archive, as returned by pymediainfo.MediaInfo.

extension instance-attribute

extension: str

Extension of the volume archive.

format instance-attribute

format: str

Format of the volume archive.

name instance-attribute

name: Path

Name of the volume archive.

page_count class-attribute instance-attribute

page_count: int = 0

Number of pages in the volume archive.

pages class-attribute instance-attribute

pages: tuple[PageInfo, ...] = tuple()

A tuple of PageInfo objects representing the pages inside the volume archive. If partial_scan() was called, then this will only have a maximum of 3 pages: smallest, median, and largest. If full_scan() was called, then this will have have a PageInfo object for every page in the archive.

size class-attribute instance-attribute

size: ByteSize = ByteSize(0)

Size of the volume archive.


average_page_size() -> ByteSize

Calculate the average page size of the volume archive.


Type Description

The average page size of the volume archive.

Source code in src/mangainfo/
def average_page_size(self) -> ByteSize:
    Calculate the average page size of the volume archive.

        The average page size of the volume archive.

    data = [page.size for page in self.pages]
    return ByteSize(sum(data) / len(data))


largest_page() -> PageInfo

Find the largest page in the archive by size.


Type Description

The largest page in the archive.

Source code in src/mangainfo/
def largest_page(self) -> PageInfo:
    Find the largest page in the archive by size.

        The largest page in the archive.
    return max(self.pages, key=lambda page: page.size)


mediainfo() -> str

Generate a mediainfo-esque string describing the archive, including information about the smallest, median, and largest pages in the archive.


Type Description

A string formatted similarly to mediainfo output, providing information about the archive.

Source code in src/mangainfo/
def mediainfo(self) -> str:
    Generate a mediainfo-esque string describing the archive,
    including information about the smallest, median, and largest pages in the archive.

        A string formatted similarly to mediainfo output,
        providing information about the archive.
    volume_info = "Volume\n"
    data = self.model_dump(exclude_defaults=True, exclude_none=True, exclude_unset=True)
    pages = data.pop("pages")

    for key, value in data.items():
        if key == "size":
            value = ByteSize(value).human_readable(separator=" ")

        key = key.replace("_", " ").title()
        volume_info += f"{key:<20}: {value}\n"

    volume_info += f"{'Average Page Size':<20}: {self.average_page_size().human_readable(separator=' ')}\n"

    if len(pages) > 3:
        page_info = ""
        volume_info += f"{'Unique Resolutions':<20}: {', '.join(f'{resolution}: {count}' for resolution, count in self.unique_resolutions())}"
        for index, page in enumerate((self.smallest_page(), self.median_page(), self.largest_page()), start=1):
            page_info += f"\n\nPage #{index}\n"
            for key, value in page.model_dump(exclude_defaults=True, exclude_none=True, exclude_unset=True).items():
                if key == "size":
                    value = ByteSize(value).human_readable(separator=" ")
                if key == "resolution":
                    value = Resolution(width=value["width"], height=value["height"]).as_str()

                key = key.replace("_", " ").title()
                page_info += f"{key:<20}: {value}\n"

    elif len(pages) >= 1 and len(pages) <= 3:
        page_info = ""
        for index, page in enumerate(self.pages, start=1):
            page_info += f"\n\nPage #{index}\n"
            for key, value in page.model_dump(exclude_defaults=True, exclude_none=True, exclude_unset=True).items():
                if key == "size":
                    value = ByteSize(value).human_readable(separator=" ")
                if key == "resolution":
                    value = Resolution(width=value["width"], height=value["height"]).as_str()

                key = key.replace("_", " ").title()
                page_info += f"{key:<20}: {value}\n"

    else:  # pragma: no cover
        page_info = ""

    return f"{volume_info}{page_info}".strip()


median_page() -> PageInfo

Find the median page in the archive by size.


Type Description

The median page in the archive.

Source code in src/mangainfo/
def median_page(self) -> PageInfo:
    Find the median page in the archive by size.

        The median page in the archive.
    from statistics import median_low

    data = {page.size: page for page in self.pages}
    return data[median_low(data.keys())]


smallest_page() -> PageInfo

Find the smallest page in the archive by size.


Type Description

The smallest page in the archive.

Source code in src/mangainfo/
def smallest_page(self) -> PageInfo:
    Find the smallest page in the archive by size.

        The smallest page in the archive.
    return min(self.pages, key=lambda page: page.size)


unique_resolutions() -> tuple[tuple[Resolution, int], ...]

Count the occurrences of unique resolutions in the archive.


Type Description
tuple[tuple[Resolution, int], ...]

A tuple of tuples containing unique resolutions and their counts, sorted by frequency in descending order.

Source code in src/mangainfo/
def unique_resolutions(self) -> tuple[tuple[Resolution, int], ...]:
    Count the occurrences of unique resolutions in the archive.

    tuple[tuple[Resolution, int], ...]
        A tuple of tuples containing unique resolutions and their counts,
        sorted by frequency in descending order.
    from collections import Counter

    return tuple(Counter(page.resolution for page in self.pages).most_common())